Major Shows 2008-1992
Uncover This 2008
A residential house and cul-de-sac in Launceston, Tasmania
An edgy two-part dance experience that turns private lives into public property.
Choreographer: Adam Wheeler
We Don't Need Another Mural 2007
Carpark in Launceston, Tasmania
Stompin’s 16th birthday celebration.
Choreographers: Luke George and Antony Hamilton
Home - Melbourne 2007
Meat Market, North Melbourne
Choreographer: Luke George
Special Mention 2006
Studio Theatre, Sydney Opera House
Special Mention explores the relentless pressure to succeed and the growing cultural divide created by our judgement of failure.
Choreographers: Luke George and Bec Reid
Home - Launceston 2006
Roberts Woolstore, Launceston, Tasmania
Home is about the place we live and the living we create.
Choreographer: Luke George
Citizen 2005
Qantas Maintenance Hangar, Launceston Airport, Tasmania in Ten Days on the Island
Citizen looks at the choices young people make in relation to who they are right now, who they aspire to be and who they are choosing to become.
Choreographers: Bec Reid and Stephanie Lake
Creative Workshop 2004
Old Womens’ Jail in Next Wave Festival, Melbourne
Choreographer: Bec Reid
Age of Consent 2004
Pilgrim Hall, Launceston, Tasmania
Age of Consent examines the choices young people make in relation to the written and unwritten rules that shape their lives.
Choreographer: Luke George
SYNC 2003
Toured to eight Tasmanian regional swimming pools during Ten Days on the Island
SYNC explores how pools provide environments for young people to socialise and be themselves - loitering, congregating and meeting.
Choreographers: Luke George and Bec Reid
Joyride 2002
Windmill Hill Swimming Pool, Launceston, Tasmania
Choreographers: Luke George and Bec Reid
Underground 2002
Rollerworld, Launceston, Tasmania
Underground explores subcultures, life in layers and the things that are literally in the earth below us.
Choreographers: Luke George and Bec Reid
Placement 2001
Devonport Bluff, Devonport, Tasmania
Choreographers: Jerril Rechter and Tim Newth
Primed 2000
Old Toolstore, Inveresk, Launceston, Tasmania (now the Academy of the Arts, Performing Arts centre)
Choreographer: Jerril Rechter
Destination 1999
A film at Kings Wharf, Launceston, Tasmania
Choreographer: Jerril Rechter
Distance 1998
A collaboration with Danceworks at Kings Wharf, Launceston and at Victorian College of the Arts, Next Wave Festival, Melbourne
Stompin represented Tasmania, performing at the World Festival of Island Cultures in Cheju, Korea.
Choreographer: Jerril Rechter
Arboreal 1996
Hollybank, Launceston, Tasmania
A unique project focusing on Tasmania’s strong link with its natural environment.
Choreographer: Jerril Rechter
Grind 1996
Launceston Webster Building, Launceston, Tasmania
Next Wave Festival, Melbourne
Sensual high energy dance with mind blowing visual imagery and physicality.
Choreographer: Jerril Rechter
Code 1995
Coats Patons, Launceston, Tasmania
A multimedia assault on the senses.
Choreographer: Jerril Rechter
Action with Attitude 1994
St.John and Paterson Street, Launceston, Tasmania
A combination of skills of dance and blading to present a statement of current youth culture.
Choreographer: Jerril Rechter
Stompin '93
Coats Patons, Launceston, Tasmania
Choreographer: Jerril Rechter
Increase the Peace 1992
Prince’s Square, Launceston, Tasmania
Comments on the historic, social and environmental aspects of Prince’s Square.
Choreographer: Jerril Rechter